Monday, October 21, 2013

This Is The End Film Review, Synopsis, Posters, Trailer

PROFANITY: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9   VIOLENCE:1 2 5 6 7 8 9    SEX: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


       Okay, first of all, I had high expectations for this movie! From the creators of Pineapple Express and Superbad, an action packed comedy with pop music, Michael Cera getting stabbed by a telephone pole, and lots of blood. Great, right? I thought so too! That's why I've been trying to set aside a time to watch this movie ever since it came out on iTunes. However, it sucked!
     First of all, one of the main reasons I wanted to watch this movie is because I have a mega crush on Emma Watson and so I make a point of watching any movie that has her in it. However, she has literally one scene before she hits Jonah Hill in the face with the butt of an ax and runs away with all of the celebs' drinks.
     Do not watch this movie if you are religious (Well, don't watch this movie at all but definitely don't watch it if you believe in god)! The whole premise is that all of the good people go to heaven and every actor on Earth (including Emma :( ) is a bad person so they get left behind. Then, all of the actors need to "out good" each other to get to heaven.
     Also, This Is The End is gross. There is blood, there are brains, there is impaling, and there's cannibalism! I don't mind that stuff in movies if it accomplishes something. However, this movie does not do anything with the blood, they just have it there for no apparent reason.
     Finally , this may be the end, but it's certainly not funny! There were one or two parts in this movie where I chuckled but mostly, I just looked at the screen in disgust. Even in the few times when it was funny, they didn't just crack the joke an move on, they talked about it for so long that it got completely butchered.
     Awful movie! Unless somebody gives it to you to watch for free, don't waste 4 bucks on it!


     In this apocalyptic action-comedy flick, Jay Baruchel, Seth Rogen, James Franco, Danny McBride, Jonah Hill, Craig Robinson, and Emma Watson must become good people in order to get sucked up to heaven when the apocalypse comes knocking.



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