Saturday, December 14, 2013

Edge of Tomorrow Trailer Breakdown

     First of all, pretty epic looking trailer, don't you think? Tom Cruise plays what looks like essentially the same kind of character that he played in Oblivion. Also, great choice of color scheme for the trailer and awesome logo for the title. I don't like the hashtag (#LiveDieRepeat) very much, but that's not a very important part of the trailer, now is it? 

     I like the choice of an underwater looking green, but mostly black for the title cards. I thought it was so cool how they clashed the red part of the logo with the blue-green of everything else. However, I think there may have been a little too much green after the first half minute. That's mostly because the movie footage had a lot of green, in the uniforms, helicopters, the general tone, there was a lot of green.
     I think I've seen this movie before, actually, twice! It had two different titles then: Groundhog Day and Source Code. As both suck, I wonder if Edge of Tomorrow can finally break the loop of bad well, loop movies. No pun intended that time!

Trailer Breakdown

A lot of fire, don't you think. These two stills are just two of i'd say 60 possible stills that had fire and explosions. Hey, I get it, that kind of stuff really sells (of course, sex and romance sells better but fires a close second), I just think that they overdid the fire just a little bit!

Okay, for a Tom Cruise romantic action movie (a wide genre, by the way), she's pretty hot. I'd say hotter than the two women in Oblivion, but then again, they didn't seem to be going for hotness in that movie. Emily Blunt looks, quite frankly, smoking in this picture (pun intended because she blows herself up in about a second later) but the huge ugly red suit detracts from her a bit.

Is that Mrs. Blunt? Well, whether it is or not, I like the whole next generation graffiti thing... a lot. That is totally something that you might see on the side of a construction site in this time, except that any poster we saw in current day wouldn't have a women in a sci-fi suit staring dangerously and hotly at the viewer of the the poster. Oh my gosh, this paragraph is confusing!

 What is she doing in this still? It's like a cross between a push up and doing the worm.

First of all, you'll notice the beautiful Tweet and Email This buttons in the upper right hand corner. I like it, getting us into the tweeting mode as we fight evil aliens. Nah, just kidding. That just got caught in my screenshot! Anyway, the alien thing is pretty cool, except for the fact that I got a terrible picture of it. I especially like the chainlike tentacles flying every which way!

You can notice two things from this still. (A), that Edge of Tomorrow will have a lot of product placement, and (B) (what with the other stills you've already seen) that there are a wide variety of location that this movie is filmed on. Everything from a battlefield, to this factory, to a road in London.

Again, very different locations that this movie was shot on. Now, interestingly, the last two pictures look much more current day than the futuristic stills above. As based on all normal sci-fi movies, there are not many current days shots so I would have thought that the stills that I took were two totally different movies if I hadn't seen them together in the trailer.

Again, Twitter and Email This star in this movie. But the real thing I wanted to focus your attention on in this shot is that this is the closest that the lovebirds for this movie get (in the trailer, anyway). Will Edge of Tomorrow have the classic, cliche love story, or will the deviate?

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