Monday, December 16, 2013

Once Upon a Time Winter Finale "Goin Home" Packs the Show's Biggest Punch Yet!

     Whoah, Whoah, Whoah! What the f**ck just happened? Did Emma and Henry really just become the only two people left in the _________. Well, that's until ____ returns anyway. (Oh, and by the way, this review is equipped with santi-spoiler 3001 to stop me from spoiling the whole _____ episode for you (Actually, I wasn't spoiling anything there, I just like making the ______s.))
     Needless to say, this episode was spectacular, several characters die (both good and bad), tough choices are made, and a curse is _____ unleashed on the people of the Enchanted Forest. There are definitely some things that would have been better changed (or not there at all), but I think I should start with the good news (cause, as the saying goes, "Keep the worst for last!").
     I loved this episode. It had everything you want in  a Winter Finale of any show (other than a comedy)! Like I said above, it had action, tough choices, death, bloodshed (what does that even mean?), a little romance, and of course, the good old comedy you'v come to expect from Once Upon a Time (wait, what?). I think that Horowitz and Kitis did an amazing job on this episode, it might even be one of my favorites ever (of the 40 or so there have been, that is!)
     However, no TV episode is perfect (except, of course, the Winter Finale or Marvel's Agents of Shield). I wished that they spread the finale over two episodes or something. They started a lot of stories from the past that they didn't finish. But that also adds to the whole "finale" feeling of the thing, doesn't it. So maybe this finale is as perfect as M.A.O.S.

Watch it online!

PS: Who's the best guy for Emma? Tweet to #Flixified along with #Emma and either #Baelfire or #Hook. I can't wait until the next episode!! Can you?

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