The Dictator starts out in the fictional North African country Wadiya ruled by the tyrannical leader Aladeen who, at the beginning of the film, is building a nuclear missile to wage war on the West. He claims that he is making the bomb for "medical research" and "reusable energy." He denies NATO Weapons Investigators access to the country. This sets the ball rolling for the UN to vote NATO air strikes against Wadiya legal unless Aladeen (who, by the way, is played by Sacha Baron Cohen) addresses the UN on his Nuclear bomb in New York.
Aladeen decides to go to this meeting and makes his plans ready. During this time, he is also looking for love (and by love, I mean sex. He only cares about heart to heart love after you know what is taken care of)
His brother, the rightful heir to their father's thrown (and also head of the Wadiyan military), puts in place an effort to kill Aladeen and replace him with a puppet look alike who will turn Wadiya into a democracy, thereby making it legal to sell the nations oil. He gets the look alike and they get ready to go.
After arriving in New York, Aladeen is kidnapped and an American man who has been hired by his brother to kill him. However, he tells Aladeen he is going to torture him first. After Aladeen insults several of the man's torture devices, the man who has been hurt by the insults, cuts off Aladeen's beard and burns it. However, he also sets himself on fire. After the ropes binding Aladeen burn up, he gets free and leaves the scene of the crime unrecognizable. He then attempts to deliver his speech at the UN but he is not allowed in due to the fact that he is wearing ripped and burnt clothing and lost his beard. He realizes that his brother is behind the plot and can only watch in horror as his double tells the UN that they are changing Wadiya to a democracy. An Aladeen protestor helps Aladeen up by accident after he accidentally came off as an Aladeen hater. She brings him home to her "Green Earth Cooperative" store and, after he makes some racist comments to her raggle taggle group of employees, kicks him out. Alone of the street, Aladeen accidentally runs into somebody who he thought he had executed. He convinces him to work with him to stop the democratization of Wadiya.
Zoe (the protestor who helped him and then kicked him out) is catering the signing of the Wadiyan constitution. Aladeen, posing as Alison Burgers, comes back to work for her so he can get into the hotel where the signing is taking place. He begins to fall in love with her.
Aladeen and his accomplice go on a helicopter ride to scout out the hotel and end up in jail for attempted terrorism that they did not commit. After Zoe bails Aladeen out, he requests for her to have oral sex with him but she refuses and teaches him how to masterbate.
He goes to thank her and she tells him that they lost the catering to a rival food company and that it was Aladeen's fault (Zoe doesn't know this but it was.) So Aladeen helps her gain back the catering job. Also, during this time, Aladeen and his accomplice cut off the head of a dead man to get a beard that looks like Aladeen's old one.
Zoe and Aladeen have a falling out right after they become a couple because Aladeen tells her who he really is.
Aladeen and his accomplice come up with plan b. Aladeen zip lines to the hotel where he is staying and gets rid of the look alike without killing him.
Zoe trys to stop Aladeen but he manages to reveal who he is and, after looking into Zoe's eyes (she was there, trying to stop him) he changes Wadiya into a democracy. His furious brother tries to shoot him but the look alike takes the bullet. He survives and Wadiya is made a democracy.
Zoe (the protestor who helped him and then kicked him out) is catering the signing of the Wadiyan constitution. Aladeen, posing as Alison Burgers, comes back to work for her so he can get into the hotel where the signing is taking place. He begins to fall in love with her.
Aladeen and his accomplice go on a helicopter ride to scout out the hotel and end up in jail for attempted terrorism that they did not commit. After Zoe bails Aladeen out, he requests for her to have oral sex with him but she refuses and teaches him how to masterbate.
He goes to thank her and she tells him that they lost the catering to a rival food company and that it was Aladeen's fault (Zoe doesn't know this but it was.) So Aladeen helps her gain back the catering job. Also, during this time, Aladeen and his accomplice cut off the head of a dead man to get a beard that looks like Aladeen's old one.
Zoe and Aladeen have a falling out right after they become a couple because Aladeen tells her who he really is.
Aladeen and his accomplice come up with plan b. Aladeen zip lines to the hotel where he is staying and gets rid of the look alike without killing him.
Zoe trys to stop Aladeen but he manages to reveal who he is and, after looking into Zoe's eyes (she was there, trying to stop him) he changes Wadiya into a democracy. His furious brother tries to shoot him but the look alike takes the bullet. He survives and Wadiya is made a democracy.
The Dictator is incredibly funny. However, many people will find the film offensive and it is not good for many demographics to watch. Many races are made fun of in the film and many stereotypes occur. I suggest that if you take racist jest seriously that you do not watch this movie. I myself loved this movie even though I was appalled at lots of the jokes.
I personally loved this film. I thought it was hilarious but it (being a Sacha Baron Cohen film) was highly inappropriate. Even in the summary, you can tell how inappropriate it is. I can't believe that it's not X of NC 17. I couldn't stop laughing. Again, like I said, it is very racist.
Just a few of the most inappropriate (often the most funny) lines were: "Oh no, you're baby is a girl, where is the trash can?", "Are you having a boy or an abortion?", "I like coconut milk, it's got as much potasium as 4 bananas!" "Than why do you have 4 bananas?" "Because I don't trust labels."
Parental Guidance Information
Children cannot watch this film. It's rated R and I have never seen another film so sexual and cuss ridden. If you really want you're kids to see this movie , you are A a bad parent and B, you must look for these scenes to have your kids close their eyes:
- Every single scene in the movie
Get my drift? This is not an appropriate movie for anybody under the age of 13 to see. Here's the thing: If you wouldn't let your kid watch Vacation, don't let them see The Dictator.
Profanity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Violence:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sex: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Profanity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Violence:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sex: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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