Tuesday, July 16, 2013

5 Movies that are nothing like the books

5: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Even though this movie follows the book well in most parts, the director/producer/writer decided to cut several important parts of the book and replace them with unrelated scenes that have nothing to do with the story. The most obvious example is at the Burrow where Bellatrix Lestrange and some of her cronies decide to come to the Weasley's house and burn it to the ground for no apparent reason. In doing so, cut an important part of the book where the minister of magic Rufus Scrimgeour comes to talk to Harry about coming to work at the ministry. This scene starts an important tension between Harry and the minister that is constantly referenced later in the series. Also, they committed the fairly large oversight of burning down the Burrow which is back good as new 6 months later without nod to a repair effort. Most Harry Potter films cut small bits but this is just a little to far.

4: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Even though a college told me that I was stupid to put this on the list, the college clearly has bad memory (he often forgets the word memory, to be honest!) because he told me after seeing the movie with me that he, like me, thought that The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was totally unlike the book. Now he's changed his mind and claims that it was Deja Vu watching it. First off, Orcs weren't even mentioned in the book. In the movie, however, about a whole hour is devoted to The White Orc who I had definitely never heard of before watching The Hobbit. Also, Rhadagast the Brown was a much more important character in the film than in the book. And, speaking of Rhadagast, special kinds of rabbits were never even mentioned in the book even though the loopy wizard's sledge was pulled by them in the movie.

3: Alice And Wonderland

There have been so many recreations of Alice and Wonderland that I must state which version I am talking about first. I'm talking about the Johnny Depp version released in 2010. I will confess that I haven't read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland finding that old books would work better to sedate me than anything else. But I did read a detailed synopsis on a almost competitor of mine (well, an almost competitor of almost any web business except for an encyclopedia to which it is a direct competitor) whose name I won't say in order to keep my current clients. I'll tell you however that it does starts with a W, it's owned by Wikimedia, and it's TLD is .org. Guess away. Anyway, Alice and Wonderland: Unless Wiki*edia was lying, Alice does many things in the book that she does not do in the movie and many things in the movie that never occur in the book. For instance, the Jabawokee doesn't even exist in the book. Also, like most Johnny Depp movies, he plays an unimportant character that is the center of attention in the movie! And spoiler (kinda), if you thought the movie was weird, don't read the book (I won't, the synopsis is my dose of strange for the year x2) If you didn't find the book confusing, check into a mental institution!

2: Percy Jackson and The Lightening Thief

This movie was awful! Sorry, but it's true. Percy Jackson stunk more than my shoes after I haven't worn socks for 6 weeks (just kidding, it didn't stink THAT much). The movie didn't follow the book at all. In fact, I think that they just bought the rights to the film so they could use the same characters. Some of the key things that jumped out at me about it was the fact that, in the book, Ares is the bad guy, not Hades. Also in the book, he's 4 years younger. And WTF was Nashville about? They didn't go to Tennessee in the book, they went to St. Lewis. They also cut (more than I already said) lots of things from the film and Medusa was pretending to be good at the beginning. If you either haven't read the book or haven't watched the movie, you'll think I'm babbling! Maybe I am, a little! Whatever. 

1: World War Z

Hold it right there Mister! This movie was entirely different from the book. After going to see it (Thankfully, I didn't screw up and accidentally buy RPX tickets like with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, that would have torn up my eardrums), I thought to myself Is the movie based on the book or is it coincidence that they have the same title? The book is a series of interviews from a nameless journalist who is chronicling "The World War Z." The movie is a action horror flick about a man named Gerry Lane who has to protect his family from the zombie apocalypse by going into a zombie infested area alone and discovering a cure. As you can see, the only common denominator is Zombie and if we are doing Zombies, than the movie World War Z could be based on Shaun of the Dead (a comedy). The movies are totally unrelated. 

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