The Time Runner
“ Even though there is very little press about the book this movie is based on and the production details are very loose (there isn't even a confirmed director or producer yet), The Time Runner has an action packed plot and I highly suggest reading it. The movie (should it be made) should be quite good too! ”
“ I keep having these books where people tell me to read them and I don't and then when I do, I figure out that there are movies based off of them. I think Divergent looks good from the trailers but lots of people think it looks cheesy. ”
The Giver
“ They have bounced around the rights to this movie so much but it seems that Jeff Bridges has finally exercised the option for the rights and started filming in South Africa. Why South Africa, I'm not sure. ”
The Maze Runner
“ So, February wasn't good enough and they had to back it up to september. Typical!!! Should be a good movie though. The book was quite good even though I had the misfortune to read it by audiobook who's reader is completely emotionless. ”
The Avengers: Age of Ultron
“ I mean, how can you go wrong. You've got a good god, a bad god, a metal dude, a patriot with no apparent powers except he's strong, a woman named after a spider, a guy who shoots magic arrows and a giant ugly green guy who we found out at the end of the first movie is "always angry." How can you go wrong? Oh, that's right, they probably will end up making the sequel a train wreck, most sequels are. Especially when the original was only so-so. ”
“ I never read Robopocalypse but it's about a robot invasion that destroys mankind. What's not to love? Oh yah, they're never going to make it, I forgot. In 2012 it looked like they were finally getting things underway but then Stephen Spielberg pulled the plug (well, more like stopped the faucet indefinitely.) Boo you Stephen. I was really looking forward to yet another "let's kill all of mankind with the weapons they gave us" movie. Grrr! ” - samb244
“ Okay, I know this is more of a "chickbook" (if that's even a term), but I really liked it and I think they should totally bring Legend to the big screen. I know a draft of the script was sent to CBS Films but who knows if they're ever going to get their feet off the ground (that probably wasn't the best analogy but so what). I think they should have some really famous actor play Metias and then rising actors playing Day and June. It worked for Ender's Game. Oh wait, no it didn't! Let's not do that :). ”
Batman vs. Superman
“ Now, I'm not sure what would compel the two most beloved heroes in the world to fight each other, maybe something like "My cape is cooler than yours. Ha Ha Ha." "No, mine is cooler" "Get outta here!" "You get outta here!" To me, this whole movie (I believe it stars Ben Affleck or something) seems like the ultimate episode of Deadliest Warrior. I wonder who the villain is going to be. ”
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1
“ It bothers me how every single big saga has to copy Harry Potter with it's "two part" finale thing. I mean, Mockingjay wasn't any longer than Catching Fire or The Hunger Games itself. Now they go and make it into two parts. Again, typical!!! I hate when they have to add stuff in order to keep it in two parts. Ugh, it bothers me sooo much! Don't get me wrong, I will be there at the midnight (or 8Pm as they like to do now) premiere, screaming my head off with everyone else, I just think they could make it one movie! ”
“ I had 100% no interest in seeing this movie until I saw the second trailer. I was thrilled! I especially like the use of very little music and just really sci fi sound effects through the duration of the trailer. However, remakes often suck so I will wait until the fan reviews come out of RT to make any final ticket purchases. ”
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