Friday, August 2, 2013

Hollywood is a polygamist: 10 Things that modern Hollywood is in love with

10: Bad Girl Pretty Women

I mean, can you blame them? Who isn't in love with pretty bad girl. But, in all seriousness, virtually every action movie has some pretty innocent looking girl who is really super deadly. The picture example I'm using is Cat woman from The Dark Knight Rises (you knew that already, of course) but even little parts and unimportant characters. As small as the helpless chinese waitress in MIB 3 who is actually a bad ass alien, all the way up to Hit Girl who is f**cking bad and a much better fighter than Kick Ass himself. If you think about it, you can see that tons of movies have super sexy super humans in them.

9: Profanity

Okay, I know lots of teens want to rebel against their parents and watch movies with tons of swears but it's getting crazy. There is just so much swearing in movies. I mean, in Contraband and The Heat, people cant possibly swear that much in real life. Somebody I know swears often but it's crazy how much profanity is in Hollywood movies. And in the worst places too: Why do you feel the need to add "fucking" in between "I need a" and "cigarette." Most people would just say "I need a cigarette." One or two swears is just funny (I add them into my review occasionally), but 2 or 3 in a sentence? And those are of the cleaner sentences.


8: R Ratings

So, Number 9: Profanity and this are connected, I understand that. But it seems that Hollywood films are just super infatuated with making their movies steadily more inappropriate. For instance, lots of the sci-fi's, shoot em ups, and fantasy films have been rated R for language and/or sex lately. I just think its kind of stupid. It's like Warner is saying "Come on, get a fake ID kids!" because these action movies are what kids go to see. And it's mostly kids who go to the movies. They don't want to go with their parents.

7: Shirtless Men

Women need to enjoy the movie too! There is hardly a movie that goes by where the leading man isn't shirtless at least once. It's kind of annoying for us guys. And in real life, normal people (and lot's of the people in these movies are playing normal people) don't have huge abs. In fact, it's mostly actors in America who have abs. Just saying, not many people who aren't on screen work out much in the ways that get you abs.

6: Teen Disney Movies

It's odd how Disney, who has always specialized in kids films, has suddenly gotten obsessed with getting teenagers into their movies. Unlike other studios, their teen movies are rated PG and PG 13 but still, it's funny. There has always been a market for geeky teen movies, but Disney has suddenly decided that these are the most important. And it's not like kids don't go to the movies anymore. This generation still has the gimmes, so I don't know why Disney's trying to push gory movies. Some Disney teen films (Pirates 3) were pretty gory!

5: Scaring Kids

Hollywood has made many things: They've mad blockbusters, they've made shoot em ups, they've made documentaries and they've made horror movies. But you wouldn't think that one of their aims would be to scare children. However, there is very rarely anymore any rated G movies. Most are rated PG and all have at least one or two scenes with violence in it. I mean, there has been action in kids movies for a long time, but it's gotten worse. I mean, in the second cars movie was about spies and the main character's friend had a bomb strapped to him at the end.  Kids movies should not be scary. At least, I don't think they should be. 

4: Book to Movie Adaptions

It seems that most movies these days are based on a book. Very rarely, the opposite is true (Think: Night at the museum). Also, lots of comic books and even other movie re makes. As a sub obsession of Hollywoods, they love using different titles for movies than the books. Whether this is due to them not getting the rights, there already being a film with that name, or just director's choice, I don't know. Anyway, even books I didn't know existed get made into movies, books like: R.I.P.D and others. most popular blockbuster coming out this year are based on books, short stories, comic books, TV shows, or other movies. It must be something about not having any more original ideas because most films are based on something these days, not just a movie script.

3: Two part finales

Okay, so here's how this one came about. Harry Potter fans were clamoring for them to make the last movie into two parts to spread it out and make it more interesting. Then, as soon as they obliged, everyone said "Oh, there just doing that to make more money." The studio did make more money and immediately, lot's of films copied. Twilight made tons of money off there double part finale and so the Hobbit tried splitting. Epic fail! But that hasn't stopped people's enthusiasm in the idea! Lionsgate said that they will be splitting Mockingjay into two parts and I'm willing to be my website (not really) that if Ender's Game makes it past one movie, the finale will be double parted.

2: San Diego Comic Con

If it has to do with shoot em ups or Sci fi, it's at the San Diego comic con. All major movies were there showing off their actors like toys and talking about their films. I mean, it's a great idea. Your fans get to meet the (I'm sure super tired of it) actors and you get to be a walking ad for your movie. This also shows people who may not follow Flixified or IMDB that your movie is happening. People will essentially pay to come and have ad after ad plastered in their face. It would be fun to go and I'm really hoping to get tickets for next year and do coverage of it on this blog!

1: Synthesizers

This is very clear in modern movies. If you listen to these film trailers (it is mostly the trailers), you will hear this crazy music that is verging on impossible. It's a kind of music that stirs up panic or adrenaline must more than many visual cues could. Just kind of super intense, super synthesized music like the one in the first World War Z trailer. The kind of grating sound. There actually are whole corporations now that just sell this music to people. One of my favorites (they did the work on Elysium, Iron Man 3, Ender's Game, Percy Jackson 2, and a bunch more blockbusters) is called Hi-Finesse.  

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