Sunday, October 6, 2013

Monty Python and the Holy Grail Film Synopsis, Review, Posters, Trailer

PROFANITY: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   VIOLENCE:1 2 5 6 7 8 9    SEX: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


     I don't think you should be on Flixified right now if you haven't seen The Holy Grail! Hell, I don't think anybody should be alive if they haven't seen and full on belly laughed at this movie. But for those of you who are just a billion years late to this phenomenon, I will write this review.
     After seeing The Holy Grail, you enter a sort of club. It may be a very geeky club, but it's a club all the same. You just understand references that seem really odd to an outsider but are just natural to a Holy Grailer (I copyright that term, by the way). For instance, if you've never seen The Holy Grail, "I fart in your general direction" will have no meaning whatsoever to you, but if you've actually lived (aka. You'v seen The Holy Grail), you get such references.
     Another great thing about The Holy Grail, is that it makes my writing funnier! (I don't know if funnier is a word or not but I'm going with it because it makes the review more funnierish if it's not a word and I use it in the final draft.) My writing usually tries and fails to be funny but I think, and I will hunt you down and kill you if you disagree, that when you're talking about something so funny, you automatically get funnier. 
     And the last reason why you should watch The Holy Grail is that it's so effing funny! I have never seen a  movie that makes you laugh from start to finish like this one! Actually, I have. This movie just makes you laugh more than those other ones!


     In this incredibly funny movie, Kind Arthur and his knights of the round table search for the Holy Grail. On their way, they must accomplish harrowing tasks such as cross the bridge of death, defeat the man eating rabbit of Aaaagh, and, worst of all, buy a shrubbery for the Knights Who Say Ni! The movie ends in an epic climax between the animal chucking French, versus the moronic English! Tiss a silly film!



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