Thursday, December 12, 2013

Flixified Advent December 12th: An EXCLUSIVE Interview With The Big Man! What Movies Does Santa Think Represent Him Best?

Hello Santa, I'm really happy you could do this interview with me
No problem Sam. I know you want 100 likes on your Facebook page by Christmas and I thought, what better way to help you with that than to let you interview me. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty famous, if you know what I'm saying!

Well, thanks a bunch anyway, Santa. So, the reason I wanted to interview you is because I know that there are a lot of Christmas movies out there and some of them have got to represent you terribly (I mean, Rare Exports might be entertaining, but it couldn't be further from the truth... Right??!1), but which movies represent you the best?
Well Sam, I certainly am not the beast in Rare Exports (great movie though). However, I don't think any other movies really capture my true spirit either. Every movie that I've ever seen about me makes me out to either be some all giving, fat, and ho-ho-hoing charity machine. I AM NOT! Sure, I give gifts to everybody, not matter how much money they have! However, the man who flies in a sleigh in the sky and squirms his way down chimneys is not me!
I think the best movie adaption of me is Elf. I am a little overweight (now why does everyone have to keep harping on that one fact?!) but I'm not huge, I do know what a treadmill is. I have some bite to me and I'm not afraid to use force if somebody tries to steal the kids' toys!

You said no movie describes you perfectly and Elf is closest. What part of Elf is not real?
Hmm... Well, first of all, I don't laugh like ho-ho-ho. I laugh like anybody else! Also, I will not do the following things that Elf (as well as Twenty First Century Christmas in general) say I do:

  • Bring Kids Coal - I am a firm believer in second chances!
  • Fly in a sleigh - Now how could I carry all of those toys around the world in one night, pulled by REINDEER no less? It's absurd. No, I use my magic teleporter, like any sensible person would!
  • Keep a naughty/nice list - Like I said above, I believe in second chances. Everybody gets toys! If there's coal in your stockings, it's because your parents wanted all of your North Pole made toys for themselves (they like to play with toys too, you know).
  • Read all of your letters - I have nothing to do with the toy making process! I have my agent manage the whole toy making operation. I just carry the bags! 
Did I forget anything? Oh yes, even though I do not use a sleigh, I do have Reindeer.

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